Diversity and Identity

Student Veterans Abroad

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Student veterans can use VA Education Benefits to participate in Education Abroad programs, but it takes detailed planning and careful consideration. Students will need to work closely with the Education Abroad office and the Veterans Certification office in order to have a successful experience abroad. If you are interested in studying abroad using VA Education Benefits, it is best to start planning early on in your academic career.

Things to Consider

  • Travel Documentation: Will there be a visa issue if I’ve served in certain countries?
  • Cultural Immersion: How will this experience differ from my time abroad in the military?
  • Funding: VA Education Benefits sometimes cover tuition and related program fees. 
  • Housing: Housing costs abroad will not be charged to the VA. Students must use the Basic Allowance Housing (BAH/Living Stipend) awarded for enrollment (based on PSU’s zip code) to pay for housing costs while abroad. Since you continue your enrollment at PSU while you are studying abroad, you will receive the same BAH/Living Stipend as if you were living in Portland for your entire study abroad duration. Remember that your BAH/Living Stipend is also based on how many credits you are earning at PSU.
  • Travel Expenses: VA Education Benefits don’t cover your flight or other miscellaneous expenses (passport, visa, immunizations, etc.).
  • Using VA Education Benefits while Abroad: Students need to submit their certification E-form to the Veterans Certification office at PSU via MyPSU if they want to use their VA Education Benefits while studying abroad. The submission of this form is required for every PSU quarter that they’re abroad.
  • Academic Credit: There will be a time lag between when your OSEA 199 or 399 placeholder courses will drop off your transcript and your real courses taken while abroad will be placed on your official PSU transcript. In the end, if the transcripted credit is less than the placeholder courses or if the credit is not degree applicable then the VA will be notified and the student may owe the difference.


VA Education Benefits work independently of scholarships. Student veterans can apply for and receive scholarships to pay for any additional study abroad fees, in addition to their VA Education Benefits. If you are awarded a scholarship in conjunction with your VA Education Benefits, please contact the Veterans Certification office directly. The VA will not pay collectively more than the tuition and fees billed and will not provide a refund to students.

The GI Bill made it possible for me to spend an entire year studying in Japan, and also funded my IE3 Internship in Cambodia. Making the connection between 'book learning' of the classroom, and actually witnessing it being played out in the real world was a transformative experience, to say the least. This experience really rounded out my university education.

- Austin King, Kansai Gaidai University in Japan. He completed an international internship in Cambodia. To view a short video about Austin's experience abroad, click here.

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  1. Clarify with your major academic advisor which courses you still need in order to fulfill your degree requirements (review your DARS Report).

  2. Communicate with PSU Education Abroad. Select your study abroad or internship program, making sure it contributes to your academic degree requirements. Confirm with your major academic advisor that the courses on your program will indeed satisfy needed degree requirements.

  3. Meet with an Education Abroad advisor about the program budget and get a breakdown of costs in each area (tuition, housing, fees, airfare, extras, etc.).

  4. Speak with Veterans Certification office and Third-Party Billing in Student Accounts. Find out about what the VA will cover, necessary paperwork, timeline, etc.

  5. Get your courses pre-approved for credit. This way there will be no surprises. In order to do this, you should work with your major advisor so that the PSU Veteran Certification Office is notified of which degree requirements the study abroad courses will be satisfying. Your advisor should provide a copy to the PSU Veterans Certification office so they can have documentation verifying the degree applicability.

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Student Veterans Abroad