Faculty Associates

The Institute of Economics and the Environment is a collaborative, interdisciplinary team that brings together faculty associates from Public Administration, Engineering, Urban Studies and Planning, Chemistry and Environmental Science.

Jennifer Allen; Faculty Associate, Associate Professor of Public Administration, Mark O. Hatfield School of Government.

Randy Bluffstone; Director and Faculty Associate, Professor of Economics.

Tugrul U Daim, Ph.D. and PICMET Fellow, Professor and Director of Technology Management Doctoral Program, Editor in Chief, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Department of Engineering and Technology Management Portland State University. 503-725-4582- office, 503-725-4667 – fax.

Sahan Dissanayake; Faculty Associate, Faculty Assistant Professor of Economics.

David Ervin; Faculty Associate, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Environmental Management.

Jenny Liu; Faculty Associate, Assistant Professor, Toulan School of Urban Studies & Planning.

Loren Lutzenhiser; Faculty Associate, Professor Emeritus of Urban Studies.

Arnab Mitra; Faculty Associate, Associate Professor of Economics.

James Pankow; Faculty Associate, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Chemistry.

Vivek Shandas, Faculty Associate, Professor, Urban Studies & Planning.

Mark Sytsma, Faculty Associate, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences.