Welcome to the Equity Summit!

Today, the campus community will engage in a collective visioning and planning summit. Using the Appreciative Inquiry methodology, we will lean into the core parts of PSU, a racially just and equitable future, and start developing a learning and action agenda to make our vision a reality. The day will be filled with interactive discussions and activities, so please plan to be present for the whole day as activities build on each other and your voice will be critical throughout.

Participant Guide

Get Ready!

The Summit Participant Guide will be used throughout the summit to help attendees follow along in each section and engage in the many conversations we'll be having throughout the day.

You may download the guide as a Word or PDF document by clicking the button below, then selecting 'File' → 'Download'.


Move between sections of the summit by clicking the blue tabs in the navigation menu below. During each section, participants are invited to self-select the caucus room that best suits them — BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) or cross-racial. If your initial room selection is full, please select another room.