2021-2022 President's Diversity Mini-Grant Recipients

“What will we be Making Together?”: Centering Race and Identity in Architectural Education

Anna Goodman, Nyaz Addison, Maab Mohammed, Athena Shepherd
The School of Architecture will host a workshop and mentorship sessions with high school students from marginalized backgrounds (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian . . .) using collaborative pedagogies that center care and justice as part of an ongoing collaboration around space on campus.


Faculty Mentor Qualities that Influence Latino/a/x STEM Undergraduates’ Scientific Identity Development

Sandy Cerda-Lezama, Karlyn Adams-Wiggins
Latino/a/x underrepresentation in STEM demonstrates disparities. However, we know little about how these students feel about their interactions. Therefore, this study will seek Latino/a/x STEM undergraduates' voices through semi-structured qualitative interviews to understand what needs change.


Barriers for BIPOC in Anthropology: Perceptions, Experiences, and thoughts about Students of Color studying Anthropology at Portland State University

Daniela Ortiz
Researching perspectives from BIPOC students and non-BIPOC majoring in Anthropology, including barriers, values around education, etc. This information can help inform the Anthropology department on BIPOC student perspectives. This mini-grant will pay BIPOC interviewees for their expertise.


Deconstructing Thanksgiving: Indigenous Education Experiences

Victor H. Begay, Jan Abramovitz, Arion Luis Abramovitz
This event brings together the larger PSU community to critically discuss the misrepresentations and ethnocentric lens that underscore the Thanksgiving holiday. Indigenous students often feel marginalized, vilified or invisible. This event brings Indigenous voices to the fore and provides pragmatic ways to broaden the discourse around this popular holiday.


Developing a Peer-Support Model for the Mental Health + Stress Relief Needs of Students with Disabilities

Megan McFarland, Kari Goin Kono, Jason Schaffer, Kaleigh Rainwater
Funding for this project will support the creation of two peer-led mental health and stress relief support groups for students with disabilities at PSU


Compassionate Computing Lab

Ameeta Agrawal, Antonie Jetter, Mrinalini Tankha, Aaron Hudson
This proposal aims to launch the Compassionate Computing lab, an interdisciplinary group at Portland State University whose mission is to promote diversity and inclusivity in our understanding and development of computing technologies.


Pow Wow Training

Lisa Hudspeth, Serina Fast Horse, Raven Harmon
ITG to facilitate a 3 hour virtual customized training session for CESU pro staff and students. This will be a recorded training that will become a module in our new hire process.


Love Your Body Week

Alecsandra Renfroe, Bax White, Lauren Morris, Maya Hendin
The intention of this week long event is to promote radical self-love, body liberation, fat acceptance, Health at Every Size principles and resources, and facilitate a space that centers and uplifts fat, disabled, BIPOC, queer and trans students. We hope to offer activities and speakers that support students and cultivate meaningful discussion and reflection on these topics.


Teaching the Past Amid a Contentious Present

Jordan Hallmark, Hannah Reynolds, Hailey Brink, Thomas Luckett, Jeff Brown
A panel discussion that will engage university and secondary school educators in a conversation about personal experiences, pedagogical strategies, concerns, and potential solutions for teaching challenging, controversial, and emotionally-charged topics (with a particular emphasis on discussions of racial inequality) in an era of divisiveness, misinformation, and educational inequities.


Enhancing BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and rural prospective student voice in the redesign of the School of Social Work’s Child Welfare Education Program (CWEP)

Jessica Schmidt, Lisa Lewis, Julia Morrisey
This project will conduct interviews with BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and rurally located prospective applicants of the Child Welfare Education Program to inform program redesign work in collaboration with ODHS Child Welfare, Tribal Child Welfare and the School of Social Work


My Story, My Truth, My Painting: Using counterstories via art to illustrate the experiences of Students of Color at PSU

Martín Alberto Gonzalez, Tatiana M. García
This project will provide Students of Color at Portland State University (PSU) an opportunity to express and document their experiences via art pieces that illustrate the various ways their identities have been affirmed and/or marginalized on campus.


Combating “Lost” Years: Advancing Student Career Development for MENASA Students

Corinne Hughes, Mohammad Khalid, Wafi Albalawi
We propose assessing current career development services for MENASA students (inclusive of international, first-year, and multicultural students) and developing tools, resources, and suggestions for narrowing the disconnect between the University Career Center, International Student Services, and the MENASA Initiative.


I’m in…Let’s Make it Official: Navigating the Admissions and Enrollment Process

Tania Sanchez, Yamile Nataren Fuentes, Jasmine Taylor, Cree Dueker
Our purpose is to visit Oregon high schools that serve underrepresented and diverse students and provide key information and assistance to ensure successful college enrollment. Admissions and enrollment information provided to students includes setting up student accounts, confirming enrollment, navigating resources, and signing up for orientation.


Water as development on the African Continent

Laila Seewang, Darrick Williams
This project investigates the uneven ecological and social impacts of water infrastructure as implemented during and after colonial periods on the African continent as well as traditional alternative water infrastructures for more sustainable and equitable futures.