PSU employees can report fraud via hotline

David Terry, Director of Internal Audit, sent the following email to all PSU employees on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023:

Portland State University, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, is committed to conducting its affairs in ways that promote mutual trust and public confidence. All members of the PSU community are expected to be familiar with and adhere to the PSU Code of Ethics standards of honesty and integrity, respect, stewardship and compliance, and accountability and responsibility.

All PSU employees are required to report known or suspected instances of fraud, waste, and/or abuse, as outlined in PSU's Financial Irregularities Policy. Matters can be reported directly to campus management or by making a report through PSU's Fraud, Waste and Abuse hotline. Reports to the hotline can be made anonymously. PSU has contracted with an independent third-party vendor to provide a confidential and anonymous telephone and Internet system for reporting concerns.

Concerns may include, but are not limited to, the following functional areas:

  • Academic and Student Affairs
  • Accounting and Financial
  • Athletics
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Research
  • Risk and Safety
  • University Health Centers
  • Other

A report to the hotline will be forwarded by the independent third-party vendor to the PSU Internal Audit Office for review and follow up. You may also make a report by calling the hotline at 844-440-0060 or by submitting a report online

Employees who identify themselves and make a good faith report are protected from retaliation by law (41 U.S.C. 4712). PSU will take steps to maintain confidentiality for employees reporting suspected irregularities, misconduct, safety issues, or other concerns to the extent possible under the law.

Thank you for reviewing this email and for familiarizing yourself with the process for reporting concerns regarding fraud, waste or abuse. Working together, we can assure that the University fulfills its mission while maintaining high standards for ethics and integrity.