Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for April 1, 2024



Berrin Erdogan and Talya Bauer, Business faculty, published “Transformational Leadership, Idiosyncratic Deals and Employee Outcomes” in Personnel Review. 

Maurice Hamington, Professor of Philosophy and Affiliate Faculty in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, published a new book titled “Revolutionary Care: Commitment and Ethos.”

Jon Holt, World Languages and Literatures faculty, and Teppei Fukuda, M.A. in Japanese ’20, published a translation titled “An Extremely Personal Take on the History of Manga Studies” by manga scholar Natsume Fusanosuke, with a translators' introduction, in the journal CLOSURE.

Jon Holt, World Languages and Literatures faculty, and Teppei Fukuda, M.A. in Japanese ’20, published a translation of an essay titled “When the Line Gets Interesting: Tanioka Yasuji and Sugiura Shigeru” by manga scholar Natsume Fusanosuke, on Mar. 20 in The Comics Journal. 

Sejin Keem, Business faculty, published “Envy Influences Interpersonal Dynamics and Team Performance: Roles of Gender Congruence and Collective Team Identification” in Journal of Management. 

Clive Knights, Architecture faculty, has a new solo exhibition titled “Nascent Themes in the Conversation of Fragments” through May 18 at the Muscarelle Museum of Art, at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. 

Isabel Jaén Portillo, World Languages and Literatures faculty, published the interdisciplinary article “From Body to World: Empathy and the Transformative Power of Cinematic Imagination" in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Jack C. Straton, Physics & University Studies faculty, published a book titled “Tools for Becoming a White Antiracist Educator.”