Currently Accolades: Presented for August 1, 2024

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  1. Riëtte Carstens and Julia Freybote, Business faculty, presented “A home is more than a house – The pricing effects of listing text information” on Mar. 19-23 at the annual conference of the American Real Estate Society (ARES) in Orlando, Florida. 
  2. Berrin Erdogan, Business faculty, gave an invited talk titled “Manager reactions to employee overqualification” on May 9 as part of the Department of Management and Technology Seminar Series at the University of Bocconi in Milan, Italy. 
  3. Julia Freybote, Business faculty, presented “The impact of crime on commercial real estate” on March 19-23 at the annual conference of the American Real Estate Society (ARES) in Orlando Florida. 
  4. Martín Alberto Gonzalez, Chicanx/Latinx Studies faculty, presented "Pedagogies of Resistance: Stories of Change" on Apr. 12 at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference in Philadelphia.
  5. Susan Kirtley, English faculty, co-led a workshop on Editing Comics, moderated a panel on Comics in College, and participated in a panel on "Sharing our Secrets" at the Vancouver Comic Arts Festival.
  6. Nariyo Kono, Center for Public Service and University Studies, presented her paper “Language as Healing Orientation from Indigenous Language Revitalization Perspective” on June 27-30 at the Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning Conference (LPP2024) at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  7. Will Parnell, Curriculum and Instruction and Early Childhood Education faculty, presented a keynote “Setting Intentions: Big Ideas in Curriculum” on Jun. 8 at the Clackamas Education Service District Conference Empowering Early Childhood Professionals Conference Growing Early Learning Environments That Support All Children, in Clackamas, Oregon.
  8. Will Parnell, Curriculum and Instruction and Early Childhood Education faculty and National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Foundation President, presented the welcoming remarks, “Presidents’ Messages,” on Jun. 10 at the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educator’s Summer Virtual Conference. 
  9. Ryan Petteway, Public Health and Black Studies faculty, curated and co-presented a photovoice exhibit for the “Transportation Equity Photovoice Project” on May 30 with youth scholars/researchers from the Public Health & Civic Literacy Academy, the Multnomah County Health Department, and Building Blocks 2 Success.
  10. Melissa Thompson and Lindsey Wilkinson, Sociology faculty, presented “Gender Stressors and Severe Psychological Distress in Prison” at the International Conference on Social Stress Research annual meeting in Portland, Oregon.