Information for Parents

Information for Parents and students

FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Parents: Please do NOT complete the Challenge Program registration for your child!

It is important for Challenge students to complete the registration process themselves. Applicants should use their personal email as important information will be sent directly to them via email. This email will be used to create their PSU student account. Once a student (regardless of age) enrolls in a postsecondary institution in any capacity (such as Dual Credit) they are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

US Dept of Education/FERPA General Guidance for Students

Program Costs

Challenge tuition is $224.40 per course, which includes a 2% credit card fee; the same course taught on campus is $1024. No refunds will be given after the registration window has closed.

Students who upload documentation of financial need at the time of registration (free/reduced lunch eligibility or counselor/administrator verification letter or this signed Challenge Program form) pay $51.00 per course, which includes a 2% credit card fee. The same document must be uploaded in subsequent registration periods.