FAQ: International Field Trip

Are you interested in learning about the Japan field experience course? This FAQ page is a great start! For questions regarding study abroad programs in general, please contact the Education Abroad advising team (edabroad@pdx.edu) or visit their website.


Are there any prerequisites for this course? Recommended prerequisites?  

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Do I need to be able to speak Japanese in order to go on the field experience?

No. All the meetings/activities in Japan will either be conducted in English or be accompanied by an interpreter. 

Are non-students eligible to take the course? How do practitioners apply to the course?

Yes, non-students are eligible to take the course. In order to register for the course, you must complete a one-time Non-Degree Entry form ($25 fee). For more information please visit PSU Admissions under "Other Applicants". Or, directly download the Non-Degree Entry form.

Are international students eligible to take the course? 

Yes, please speak to your Scholar Advisor or the Education Abroad advising team about visa qualification details: edabroad@pdx.edu

Is there a GPA requirement?

Yes. Undergraduates must have at least a 2.75, Graduate students must have at least a 3.0.



How much should I budget? What is the cost breakdown?

The cost consists of two main parts: i) Program expenses and ii) Personal expenses

Program Expenses (fixed):

Approx. $3,200 (Budget will be finalized by mid-November)

  • Tuition,
  • Lodging,
  • Group transportation,
  • OIA fees,
  • International health insurance

Personal Expenses (variable): 

  • Airfare,
  • Ground transportation (to/from program start location)
  • Meals (lunch and dinner), 
  • Spending/Sightseeing, 
  • (If applicable) Visa fee - Please consult your international student advisor

Am I required to go on the field trip if Iā€™m enrolled in the course? Are refunds available in case of an emergency?

Yes, the field trip is required. If there is an emergency or any other issues regarding your ability to go on the field trip, please contact the Education Abroad advising team at edabroad@pdx.edu

Are there funding options available for this trip?

Yes. Some of your PSU or other local scholarships may be used for study abroad programs. See the Education Abroad scholarship page or contact the Education Abroad advising team for more details: edabroad@pdx.edu

Note: The deadline for spring course scholarships is approaching! Please see the Office of International Affairs webpage for details.

For non-fulltime students, there is no scholarship available from PSU for your status; however, please ask your employee if there are any professional development grants available to you.


Academic Information

What is the program like? Where will we visit and what are the day-to-day activities?

The program will take place in Tokyo, City of Kesennuma, and City of Ishinomaki. In Tokyo, we will have lectures and learn about the basics of how the Great East Japan Earthquake caused issues throughout the region. In Kesennuma and Ishinomaki, you will meet local community members, city officials, and NPO representatives to learn more about how those communities got affected by Tsunami and how their recovery effort has been. More details are coming soon!

What are the schedule expectations? (e.g. Pre-departure sessions, orientations, etc.)

  • Two mandatory pre-trip sessions on April 27th and May 25th, 2019;
  • Program dates in Japan: June 23* - June 29, 2019 (*Arrive by June 22)
  • How many credits does this course offer? **
  • Economics: 3 credits for EC510 (graduate) and 4 credits for EC410 (undergraduate)
  • Public Administration: 3 credits for both PA510 (graduate) and PA410 (undergraduate)

**If you're not a PA or ECON major, please speak to your advisor about having these credits count for your major, credits can be very flexible. For example, if you're and International Studies: East Asia major, this course may be counted as part of your Regional Development requirements.  


Registration/Required Documents

When and where should I apply for this program?

The current application deadline is January 31, 2019. Online applications will be available by mid-November. Please make sure to visit the Student Resources page at the PSU Education Abroad Office.

Do I need a student visa for this program? If so, what is the process for obtaining one?

A student visa generally comes in the form of a stamp in your passport that gives you permission to study in a particular country. You do need a Japanese visa in order to participate in this course.

You will receive information from your Education Abroad Advisor and/or your program provider about how to acquire a student visa for your program. For international students or questions about obtaining a visa, please contact Hannah Fischer at the Office of International Affairs (OIA) for more details or check out their Student Resource Webpage.