A Winding Path to Graduation

Ulfet Tayba - Human Resource Management and Business, Technology & Analytics

Ulfet Tayba


Family, opportunities, and an open mind have equipped Ulfet Tayba with the essential skills to establish a foundation in business. While navigating through different majors, she discovered her passion for business, particularly in human resources and data analytics.

Ulfet was born and raised in Portland; however, she is from Lebanon and leaves a little piece of her heart there every time she visits. As the eldest of three siblings, Ulfet was motivated by her parents to pursue further education. She says, “Whenever I get overwhelmed by all my responsibilities or start doubting myself, they are what grounds me. I work so hard to make them proud, and to be able to give back to them even an ounce of what they spent their lives providing for me.”

Ulfet's journey to The School of Business was a winding one. She began her college experience at The University of Portland, initially studying nursing before briefly switching to being an education major. She then transferred to Portland State to embark on her business studies. Initially uncertain about her educational path, Ulfet eventually realized that a business degree would provide her with a foundation for learning crucial life skills and opening up diverse career opportunities. She has also been a part of organizations throughout campus like the Arab Student Association and the Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU). After graduating, Ulfet plans to pursue her master’s in Applied Data Science for Business (MSADSB) here at The School of Business and continue being a part of student groups across campus. 

Through her studies in human resources and business technology, and analytics, Ulfet learned the importance of approaching each class with an open mind. “Go into it with an open mind, and take the general business requirements seriously. Once you get into the higher level classes in your chosen concentrations, having that good foundation and general business understanding will make all the difference.”

For future students, Ulfet advises making the most of the resources and opportunities available as a business student. “From internship fairs to free headshots, there are so many opportunities here to make the most of your degree which is what sets us apart from other programs.” 

Madeline Frisk from the Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA) team says, “Ulfet is a dedicated student leader who has served in officer roles within the Arab Student Association and currently serves as the 2023-2024 Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) - Student Government Vice President. Ulfet stepped up at a time it was greatly needed for ASPSU and has done a great job at getting to know the role and how to lead and manage her fellow students. Additionally, she has learned how to connect with admin, faculty, staff, and students and how to adapt to new needs and situations. I am incredibly proud of all she's accomplished so far!”