Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

Emily Dinh - Accounting and Finance

Emily Dinh


Emily Dinh, an international student from Vietnam, had the opportunity to study in the United States for four and a half years. She began her journey at Portland Community College in 2020 and transferred to Portland State to complete her bachelor’s degree in 2022.

Everyone in Emily’s family encouraged her to pursue higher education, especially abroad. Studying outside Vietnam allowed her to learn more about the world, commit to best practices, and make more connections.

Most of Emily’s family studied and worked in business, so she felt influenced by their careers to pursue a degree in accounting and finance. Emily explains, “I am passionate about food and beverage (coffee) and the green environment. Therefore, I have been nourishing the dream and goal of running my own business, an eco-friendly coffee chain, one day, and business, especially accounting, is the most appropriate path for me.”

During her time at The School of Business, Emily learned about diversity and professionalism from her peers and faculty. “Diversity and professionalism have prepared me greatly for soft skills, such as communication, critical thinking, and group work. I have learned to listen actively, empathize, and understand when working with people from different backgrounds. I have also learned to handle challenging situations and grow from the obstacles through support and guidance from my peers and mentors,” she says.

Emily advises future students to make connections and step out of their comfort zone. She explains that asking questions and getting to know others can substantially enrich your knowledge and perspective, which is one of the fastest ways to grow and succeed. Remaining in your discomfort zone can shape and form you to become the best version of yourself.

Emily was selected to represent the class of 2024 and be a speaker at Commencement. When asked how she felt about speaking at Commencement, she said, “I am more than grateful and proud of myself! Not only can I prove to myself all of my hard work paid off, but I can also give this spotlight to my family, friends, and mentors, who have supported and believed in me. My parents are flying from Vietnam to see me after four years, and one of the best presents I can give them is the achievement of my education.”

Emily explains what she might say during her speech, “Let's continue to strive for excellence, to pursue our passions with purpose and determination, and to make a positive difference in the world around us!”