A Never-Ending Quest for Knowledge

Justin Veldhuisen - Advertising Management

Justin Veldhuisen

Born and raised in Thailand, Justin Veldhuisen was determined to make the move to the United States. Following his high school graduation, he took the leap. With support from his family and a drive from within, he set his sights on earning a bachelor's degree, understanding that the skills gained in college would be instrumental in achieving his life goals. Justin reflects, “I knew that the skills I would learn in college would help me achieve my goals in life.”

Justin’s goal in life is to be able to provide for the people around him. He adds, “The role models who have helped him were able to have the careers they had because of the foundations they built through education.” Justin believes If he can walk in their footsteps and provide for those around him, he will feel like his was a life well spent.

When deciding on his college major, Justin admired his father, who had spent his life managing his own business. He believed that the knowledge and skills acquired in business studies could be applied across various industries and in personal and professional life.

During his time at PSU, Justin realized the importance of community in shaping one's future. He acknowledges, “It is easy to think that what I achieved is purely the product of my own work, but it's not. Yes, I still needed to work hard, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of my friends, family, and most importantly, my classmates and instructors.”

Justin advises upcoming students to be inquisitive and engaged. While he understands the challenge of speaking up in class, he emphasizes that active participation in lectures leads to better retention of knowledge. Justin explains, “Some of my favorite classes were the ones where everyone had ideas and opinions.” He believes that the quest for knowledge is never-ending, and no matter how much one thinks they know, there is always more to learn.