The Journey Through Business and Beyond

Ahmed Al-Kindi - Global Supply Chain Management

Ahmed Al-Kindi


International student Ahmed Al-Kindi moved to Portland from Oman, where he was born and raised. After receiving a scholarship to attend Portland State four years ago, Ahmed has become an integral part of the Portland community.

From a young age, Ahmed aspired to go to college to gain diverse experiences. He credits his mother for her unwavering support throughout his journey. Ahmed says, “If I was to mention someone for this achievement, it would definitely be my mother who helped all the way through college and way before.”

Ahmed believes that studying business opens doors to a world full of opportunities. He appreciates that business can be viewed from various perspectives and disliked the idea of being confined to one area, which led him to choose a major in logistics and supply chain management.

To prepare for the real world, Ahmed found his capstone class invaluable, providing him with the professional experience needed to feel confident after graduation. “I think my capstone class was the most valuable thing that prepared me for the real world because it presented real-world challenges to solve and work on.”

Ahmed advises future students to take full advantage of the resources Portland State offers. He also elaborates, “Get in contact with people and try to get to know as many people as you can, and definitely always keep an open mind when it comes to life experiences.”


Eva Basile, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs (EMSA), nominated Ahmed for a commencement profile. Eva explains, 


“Ahmed began at PSU in the Intensive English Language Program before starting as a freshman in The School of Business. He became involved in the Omani Student Association as an events manager, then vice president, and is now their public relations officer. He has quickly become one of our most dependable Student Ambassadors, from giving tours, working in the University Welcome Center, and even speaking to the full Board of Trustees about his experience at PSU. He is as passionate about sharing his culture with all of his friends and coworkers, as much as he is about sharing his experience at PSU with prospective students.


The number one attribute that I associate with Ahmed is “welcoming”. While working in the UWC, Ahmed is sometimes the first representative of PSU that new students will meet. He is very patient and willing to help anyone with anything. Once, when a small high school group arrived for a tour unannounced and was initially guided to do a self-guided tour because we were at capacity, Ahmed was the first to think of a creative solution to combine the group with another later tour to make sure they could still get the full experience.”