Gaining a Competitive Advantage

Marie Gomez - Finance, Business Technology & Analytics, Global Supply Chain Management Certificate in Real Estate Property Management

Marie Gomez


Growing up in a diverse suburb of Los Angeles County, in the San Gabriel Valley, Marie Gomez strove for success. From a young age, competition was always a central theme in her life. Whether it was sports or in the classroom, Marie aimed to excel among her peers. Both her parents worked hard and smart to provide for their small family, imparting values of perseverance, sacrifice, autonomy, and continuous self-improvement.

Marie was exposed to a culture where academic competitiveness was particularly paramount. She says, “I witnessed firsthand how most of my peers valued education and strove to deliver their best work consistently. Everyone around me was pushing themselves to excel academically, fostering a particularly strong sense of competitiveness throughout the entire high school, year after year.”

Through the environment Marie grew up in, she has always had a deep appreciation for academic excellence, qualities that continue to shape her approach to life today. As she transitioned into college and now embarks on her next career, the same values remain steadfast. These values guide her in every endeavor she chooses to pursue, driving her to continuously strive for excellence and push her to achieve higher goals.

A combination of factors led Marie to pursue higher education, starting with her upbringing and valuable work experiences.

“I owe a debt of gratitude to my parents for instilling in me the importance of education, as well as my peers around me throughout my formative years.”

Marie attended a competitive high school, where academic excellence was strongly emphasized year after year, further reinforcing the importance of education.

Before college, Marie worked at Amazon, which played a pivotal role in her motivation to go to college. During her time at Amazon, she experienced several promotions and held leadership positions where she was responsible for ensuring smooth operations and achieving challenging goals, such as processing thousands of packages in a tight time frame.

“This experience not only honed my problem-solving skills but also instilled in me a sense of ambition and the belief that I could achieve more—so much more.”

Marie had a realization while working in operations: she wanted to address issues from a higher perspective, beyond the day-to-day operations. This realization prompted her to seek opportunities for personal and professional growth, leading Marie to apply to Portland State.

The drive to study business came from a few reasons. First, Marie’s experience at Amazon sparked a desire to pursue a degree highly valued by employers, especially in corporate roles and the C-suite. She wanted to take her skills from working in operations at Amazon to a higher scale, working at a corporate level.

Additionally, Marie got the opportunity to shadow her dad at his business for six months. During that time, she would ask herself, “If I had to take over the business today, could I run it?” The answer, at that moment, was not a confident yes. However, she believes it is natural and okay to have fears, as they can serve as catalysts for action.

“Recognizing the importance of addressing this fear of mine and feeling a responsibility toward my family business, I made the decision to pursue a business degree. I understood that acquiring the knowledge and skills in business management would better equip me to effectively lead and grow the family business when the time comes for it to be passed down to me.”

During her time at The School of Business, Marie gained valuable insights into the power of networking, which has been instrumental in preparing her for her future endeavors. Despite coming from a strong academic background in high school, Marie initially underestimated the significance of networking, including keeping up with professors, advisors, peers, and friends, as well as meeting new people at networking events. Marie became actively involved in the Real Estate for Emerging Leaders (REEL) club at PSU, which is sponsored by the Center for Real Estate. This involvement not only provided her with practical knowledge and experience in the real estate field but also significantly expanded her professional network. The connections made through REEL and the Center for Real Estate have been crucial in her development and preparation for future opportunities.

“As someone committed to continuous self-improvement, I recognized the importance of refining this skill. Networking continues to be an area of active development for me, as I strive to enhance my overall competitive advantage. I’ve learned to embrace the occasional awkward interaction, understanding that mistakes are inevitable but valuable learning opportunities. Each interaction, regardless of its scale, has served as practice for more significant encounters I have had and will have in the future. This shift in mindset has allowed me to approach networking with greater openness, confidence, and adaptability, recognizing the doors it could open and the connections it could facilitate for my personal and professional growth.”

Marie explains that acquiring a business degree is valuable for anyone with aspirations of entrepreneurship, leadership, or problem-solving in the business world. While some may have attributes to naturally grasp business concepts, many will likely find that a formal education in business is essential to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

As for Marie’s advice to future students, she explains to carefully evaluate your personal and professional aspirations and consider how a business degree can support your goals. Whether dreaming of launching a business, advancing in your career, or exploring new opportunities, a business degree provides a solid foundation in critical areas. The different degrees of business you can obtain at Portland State equip students with the skills needed to thrive in today’s competitive business landscape.

“I would like to offer some more personal advice to future students: Strive to excel in your courses and actively engage with a supportive network of friends, peers, professors, and advisors. Begin networking and attending events early in your academic career at PSU, embrace opportunities to meet new people, and learn from the diverse experiences of others. Embrace the cycle of learning from mistakes, reflecting, adapting, and bouncing back. Above all, commit to continuous self-improvement and building your own competitive advantage.”