Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for November 9, 2020

Two people read the back cover of a book at the Portland State University bookstore.


Every week during the academic year, Currently celebrates faculty and staff accomplishments, including appearances on panels, presentations, recent publications or performances, and research grants.

  1. Don Dickinson, director emeritus of the PSU Advertising Management Program, wrote “Media Strategy & Planning Workbook, Third Edition: How to Create a Comprehensive Media Plan,” his latest of four textbooks, published by Melvin & Leigh, Publishers.
  2. David Johns, political science faculty, published “Human Confusion: Why There Must Be Justice for Non-Humans” in Rewilding Earth on Oct. 30. 
  3. Federico Pérez, University Honors College faculty, published “‘The Miracle of Density’: The Socio-material Epistemics of Urban Densification” in the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research in January.
  4. Federico Pérez, University Honors College faculty,  published “An Anatomy of Failure: Planning After the Fact in Contemporary Bogotá” in the book “Life Among Urban Planners: Practices, Professionalism, and Expertise in the Making of the City,” published by University of Pennsylvania Press. 
  5. Ken Ruoff, history faculty, published “The Fragile Monarchy,” a 1,000-word guest column, for the Japan Times, Japan’s main English-language newspaper.
  6. Jack Straton, physics and university studies faculty, had one of his photographs chosen to be part of the 2020 National Fine Art Show at The Lincoln Gallery in Loveland, Colorado, Sept. 4-Oct. 10