Anticipation and Achievement: Embracing the Journey

Sheryl Livermore - Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management

Sheryl Livermore


Sheryl Livermore confessed that she "burst into tears" upon learning she was selected to be the student speaker at commencement. For her, “it's truly a bittersweet moment, marking the end of an incredible program and the beginning of a new chapter.” She is honored knowing her experience will inspire others to embrace their journeys of discovery.


Livermore's journey in the Master of Science in Global Supply Chain Management (MSGSCM) two-year program started after being inspired by the impactful words of the MSGSCM academic director, Daniel Wong. Her program expectations included the chance to enhance her knowledge through instructors sharing real-life experiences, and Wong's speech illuminated this expectation. Furthermore, Wong has been a consistently valuable resource throughout the program.


Wong leads the annual Vietnam international business trip which Livermore considered a “pivotal moment in her program journey.” The trip encompassed her most cherished takeaways from the program, education, and support.Having graduated over 40 years ago, she initially felt nervous about connecting with her cohort due to an age gap; however, this trip strengthened the supportive bond among them. The unwavering support of her cohort was central to her experience.


During a pre-program cocktail hour, she met two other peers in her cohort and they became her original support team during the program, she said “We found our people.” In the first half of the program, they tried to stick together when it came to group, work but this was not always possible because the professors preselected their groups. This enabled her to broaden her network. Initially, she didn't anticipate much support due to the constraints of a remote program;nonetheless, there were more social opportunities with her cohort, succeeding the trip, which she seized. Contrary toher original belief, technology made consistent connections more accessible.


Technology has accelerated the advancement of education, which she recognizes as a dynamic field. “There are new things to learn,” said Livermore, it's not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about embracing the unknown and constantly challenging yourself to reach new heights. Engaging in this program was a way for Livermore to “constantly challenge” herself and uplift her stride to get “more out of life.”

As a first-generation undergraduate student, Livermore pursued nutrition at Oregon State University, following her passions. Initially uninterested in a business degree due to her unawareness of its practical application, her perspective shifted after securing her first job as a nutrition center buyer. This role introduced her to the intersection of business with any career, prompting a newfound interest in supply chain management.


Livermore carved out a successful career path, ascending to roles such as vice president of merchandising at various firms and senior program manager, in addition to running her own business. Managing her small enterprise not onlyprovided her with the flexibility to prioritize family time, but also enabled her to support her loved ones in their pursuits.


During this period, her husband pursued his MBA and found fulfillment in teaching a marketing class at PSU, which piqued Livermore's interest in The School of Business program. Initially drawn to the MBA track, she later discovered that the MSGSCM program aligned more closely with her background and future aspirations.


With her daughter's high school graduation marking a new chapter, Livermore was inclined to return to her preferred role as a buyer. However, in light of the evolving industry landscape and to remain current with industry developments while advancing her career, she opted to enroll in the MSGSCM program.


Her industry experience aided discussions and was helpful to the other students. She was glad to have time to gain experience before going back to college. “The knowledge and experience pay dividends immensely. It enhances your life,” said Livermore. She wants to continue her track of inspiring others through sharing her experiences, which has provoked her interest in being an adjunct professor and consulting work. Currently, she triumphs this aspiration through volunteering at OSU by giving career advice, being a panel judge, and various activities.


As she prepares to address the graduating class, Livermore's message is an inspiration about adversity and self-doubt.She declares, "We are far more capable of doing more than we think we can.