AACSB extends accreditation of The School of Business and accounting program

Students in Karl Miller Center classroom

AACSB International extended the business and accounting accreditation of The School of Business at Portland State University. AACSB is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools and PSU is among the top 1% of business programs worldwide that hold prestigious dual-accreditation in business and accounting.

PSU underwent a rigorous, multiyear peer-review process to demonstrate excellence in teaching, research, curricula development and student learning.

“AACSB accreditation reflects our commitment to innovation, impact and engagement,” said Cliff Allen, dean of The School of Business. “Our high standards are validated to ensure students receive the quality education they deserve.” 

The peer-review team noted a number of achievements in its business accreditation report, including:

  • Improving the quality of academic research since the previous review, with the hiring of high-quality junior faculty as a significant contributor to this outcome
  • Dispersing over $730,000 in funding to students in jeopardy of dropping out due to financial hardship; recipients have an 88% retention or graduation rate
  • The Dean’s Future Leaders Group composed of undergraduate students at all levels of academic achievement who develop leadership and build confidence in letting authenticity drive their career
  • The dedication of full-time, non-tenure track faculty in representing the core values of access to and quality of education
  • Signature experiential learning activities that leverage community partnerships and maximize student competitiveness in the job market, including case competitions, consulting projects, PSU CO-OP and immersive industry-facing opportunities offered through centers of excellence

In addition to developing and implementing a mission-driven plan to satisfy the business accreditation quality standards, accounting accreditation required the satisfaction of a supplemental set of standards specific to the discipline and profession of accounting.

The accounting program was commended for: 

  • Utilizing Accounting Excellence funds to supplement 1) student career services and 2) faculty research-related and professional development expenses that align with mission-driven, strategic initiatives
  • Engaging in and promoting the Business Blockchain Certificate
  • Encouraging the use of QuickBooks and other relevant software in curriculum

As AACSB accreditation requires, PSU is entering its next five-year continuous improvement peer-review process to maintain high-quality research, teaching and student outcomes, including implementation and measurement of its strategic plan.

The School of Business has held AACSB accreditation since 1970 and the accounting program since 1989.