Online Education

The School of Business offers fully online undergraduate coursework as a path for you to earn your Bachelor’s Degree in Business. Flexibility matters, and we have worked hard to create award-winning courses that can fit into your life without compromising quality and rigor.

Courses available online cover our innovative core curriculum, concentrations in Accounting, Business Technology & Analytics, Finance, Management & Leadership, Global Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Human Resource Management, as well as supplemental electives — everything you need to graduate with an outstanding business degree and get ready for your next chapter.

Visit our degree requirements page to learn about our undergraduate business core curriculum. Then choose one of our online degree concentration options:

The School of Business also offers an online certificate program in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

For information about online learning at The School of Business, please contact 503-725-3712 or

Online Degree - Steps to Success

The School of Business offers all required coursework (lower division and upper division) online for business students. We have also developed a partnership with Mt. Hood Community College and Portland Community College for students who wish to complete their lower-division courses online at the community colleges.

Your Path to Online Upper-Level Coursework at PSU

1. Opt-in: If you haven’t already, make sure to opt into The School of Business. Once you have opted in, you can take 200 level and higher BA classes.

2. Complete prerequisites: Confirm that you have completed the prerequisites with a “C-” or better, or plan to do so over the coming terms:

3. Get advice: Contact your Career & Academic Advisor for help mapping out a schedule or navigating the enrollment process.

4. Register for online program classes. Online courses are in extremely high demand. Students who wish to pursue a fully online degree plan should register for courses promptly at 8 a.m. on registration day.  Please review the PSU academic calendar for more information on registration timelines.

Co-Admitted Online Degree for Community College Students

The Start-To-Finish® series allows you to complete two high-quality business degrees 100% online: first an Associate of Science at a community college, and then a Bachelor in Business with concentrations in either Business Technology & Analytics, Management & Leadership, Global Supply Chain Management, and/or Human Resource Management at PSU.

What Co-Admission Means

Co-Admission (also known as “dual enrollment” or “degree partnership”) means that you are formally admitted to both PSU and one of our partner community colleges. For the Start-To-Finish Program, our partner community colleges are Mt. Hood Community College or Portland Community College.

Your Advantages as a Co-Admitted Student

When you are co-admitted, you can take online courses at both schools. It also gives you access to resources on both sides. As soon as you are co-admitted, you can begin to develop a relationship with your PSU Career & Academic Advisor, who will help you with transfer and career planning. Additionally, you will be able to take advantage of PSU services and financial aid early on, which supports your transition from community college to PSU.

Here is the full list of Co-Admission Benefits.

You can also check out these related pages on your community college’s website:

Your Path to a Co-Admitted Online Degree

  1. Apply for Co-Admission at Mount Hood Community College (MHCC) or Portland Community College (PCC) and Portland State University (PSU).
  2. Opt into The School of Business
  3. Get oriented: Complete the PSU Orientation in order to register for classes. Email the PSU Orientation Office at to schedule your session. Orientations are available online and will take roughly one hour and a half to complete.
  4. Make a plan: Meet with your community college advisor for help with the co-admission process and planning for your transfer. You will receive guidance regarding the course plan for your first two years of study.
  5. You can begin to develop a relationship with your PSU Academic Advisor who will help you with transfer planning and early career conversations, as well as your School of Business Career Coach who can support you on your journey to career readiness. 
  6. Complete your Associates Degree in preparation for Portland State University’s Business degree.
  7. Complete prerequisites: Complete any remaining required lower-division business courses at your community college.
  8. Get advice: Contact your Portland State University School of Business Career & Academic Advisor for help mapping out a schedule or navigating the enrollment process.
  9. Register for online program classes. Online courses are in extremely high demand. Students who wish to pursue a fully online degree plan should register for courses promptly at 8:00 AM on registration day.  Please review the PSU academic calendar for more information on registration timelines.