Parkway Residence Hall

Parkway Residence Hall exterior
1609 SW Park Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97201-3266
Building Features
About the building

Situated at the north end of Portland State campus on the corner of SW Market and Park Ave, the Parkway Residence Hall occupies the same block as Parkmill and the Harder House and sits just west across the Park Blocks from Lincoln Hall. Parkway is a five-story student residence containing 23 one-bedrooms, 13 studios, 13 sleepers, and 7 two-bedroom apartments. 

The Parkway was originally called Parkway Manor and was constructed as an apartment building for Harry Mittleman in 1932 who owned and operated the building until 1969 when Portland Student Services in conjunction with Portland State acquired it as a student residence.

Building Details

Square Footage:
Gross Square Footage: 40,500
Net Assignable Square Footage: 26,114