Program Details | Biology Minor


To earn a minor in biology, a student must complete at least 27 ­credits in Biology (at least 9 credits of which must be taken in residence at PSU). Courses must include three terms of science majors’ introductory biology with laboratory (BI 211/214, BI 212/215, BI 213/216) and at least one course from each of Areas A, B, and C.

Lower Division Biology Core

Enrollment requires concurrent enrollment in Ch 221 & Ch 227 or prior completion of Ch 221 & Ch 227

  • Bi 211 Principles of Biology: Biology of Cells (4) and Bi 214 Principles of Biology Lab I (1)
  • Bi 212 Principles of Biology: The biology of organisms (4) and Bi 215 Principles of Biology Lab II (1)
  • Bi 213 Principles of Biology: Evolution and ecology of living organisms (4) and Bi 216 Principles of Biology Lab III (1)

Upper Division Credits (at least one course from each of the following three areas)

Area A: Cellular/Molecular

  • Bi 334 Molecular Biology (4) 
  • Bi 336 Cell Biology (5) 
  • Bi 341 Introduction to Genetics (4)

Area B: Systems/Organisms

  • Bi 320 Introduction to Organismal Physiology (4)
  • Bi 330 Introduction to Plant Biology (4)
  • Bi 380 Microbiology (4)
  • Bi 386 Invertebrate Zoology (6)
  • Bi 387 Vertebrate Zoology (6)

Area C: Ecology/Evolution

  • Bi 357 General Ecology (4)
  • Bi 358 Evolution (4)

Total Credits: 27-30

Courses taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) cannot be used to fulfill biology minor requirements. Bi 401, Bi 404, Bi 405, Bi 406, and Bi 407 are not allowed for the minor. Additional courses may be required as prerequisites.