Program Details | Biology BA/BS

The biology program is designed to prepare students for careers in biological research, teaching, health sciences, biotechnology, conservation biology and wildlife management, forestry, and other applied fields. It also provides the necessary background for advanced study leading to graduate degrees in the more specialized fields of the biological sciences.

A student planning to enter medicine, dentistry, or other professional fields should consult the catalog of the professional school to which the student intends to apply following pre-professional work in biology and other sciences at Portland State. Biology is also a teaching endorsement area in the program of secondary education.


In addition to satisfying general University requirements, a student majoring in biology must meet general department requirements as well as fulfill the biology major requirements.

General Departmental Requirements

All Biology majors must complete the General Departmental coursework listed below in addition to the Biology major requirements.

3 terms of introductory chemistry with lab

Ch 221 General Chemistry I (4) and Ch 227 General Chemistry Laboratory (1)

Ch 222 General Chemistry II (4) and Ch 228 General Chemistry Laboratory (1)

Ch 223 General Chemistry III (4) and Ch 229 General Chemistry Laboratory (1)

1 term of organic chemistryCh 331 Elements of Organic Chemistry I or Ch 334 Organic Chemistry I    4
1 term of physics with labPh 201 General Physics (4) or Ph 231 General Physics I with Life Science and Medical Applications (4) and Ph 214 Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 231    5
2 terms of statistics or calculusMth 251 Calculus I & Mth 252 Calculus II or Stat 243Z Elementary Statistics I &    
Stat 244 Introduction to Probability and Statistics II
Additional science/social science electivesAny combination of courses at the 200+ level that are not part of the University Studies Program from the following departments: ANTH, CH, CS, ESM, G, MTH, PHE, PSY, PH, or STAT. Courses utilized to fill any other general departmental or biology major requirement cannot also be counted in the elective sciences area.12

Biology Major Requirements

Lower Division Biology Core

Enrollment requires concurrent enrollment in Ch 221 & Ch 227 or prior completion of Ch 221 & Ch 227

  • Bi 211 Principles of Biology: Biology of Cells (4) and Bi 214 Principles of Biology Lab I (1)
  • Bi 212 Principles of Biology: The biology of organisms (4) and Bi 215 Principles of Biology Lab II (1)
  • Bi 213 Principles of Biology: Evolution and ecology of living organisms (4) and Bi 216 Principles of Biology Lab III (1)

Upper Division Core

Complete a minimum of 44 upper division Biology credits and satisfy Requirements 1, 2, and 3 below

Requirement 1: Complete a minimum of one course in Area A and one course in Area B. Complete both courses in Area C.

Area A: Cellular/Molecular (Complete at least one course from the list below)

  • Bi 334 Molecular Biology (4) 
  • Bi 336 Cell Biology (5) 
  • Bi 341 Introduction to Genetics (4)

Area B: Systems/Organisms (Complete at least one course from the list below)

  • Bi 320 Introduction to Organismal Physiology (4)
  • Bi 330 Introduction to Plant Biology (4)
  • Bi 380 Microbiology (4)
  • Bi 386 Invertebrate Zoology (6)
  • Bi 387 Vertebrate Zoology (6)

Area C: Ecology/Evolution (Complete both courses)

  • Bi 357 General Ecology (4)
  • Bi 358 Evolution (4)

Requirement 2: Choose a minimum of two courses at the 300 or 400 level with a major laboratory or field component. Bi 386 or Bi 387 will satisfy Requirement 2 only if the course is not already being used to fulfill Area B.

  • Bi 301 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4)
  • Bi 302 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4)
  • Bi 303 Human Anatomy and Physiology (4)
  • Bi 326 Comparative Vertebrate Embryology (5)
  • Bi 328 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy (5)
  • Bi 337 Cell Biology Laboratory (1)
  • Bi 361 Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory (1)
  • Bi 386 Invertebrate Zoology (6)
  • Bi 387 Vertebrate Zoology (6)
  • Bi 388 Microbiology Techniques (2)
  • BI 410 Selected Topics (with laboratory, 1-6)
  • Bi 413 Herpetology (6)
  • Bi 414 Ornithology (6)
  • Bi 415 Mammalogy (6)
  • Bi 416 Marine Mammals (6)
  • Bi 425 Natural History of Antarctica (5)
  • Bi 431 Advanced Molecular and Cell Biology Research Laboratory (3)
  • Bi 432 Plant Diversity and Evolution (5)
  • Bi 434 Plant Anatomy (5)
  • Bi 435 Plant Systematics (4)
  • Bi 438 Plant Chemical Biology (3)
  • Bi 441 Plant Physiology (5)
  • Bi 448/Ch 448 BIO-CHEM CURE (3)
  • Bi 450 Phylogenetic Biology (4)
  • Bi 455 Histology (6)
  • Bi 471 Plant Ecology (4)
  • Bi 472 Natural History (3)
  • Bi 473 Field Sampling (4)
  • Bi 476 Population Ecology (5)

Requirement 3: Choose a minimum of 12 credits from courses with the Bi prefix numbered between 412-499 (can include courses listed in Requirement 2 that were not also used to fulfill Requirement 2 (Lab/Field Area)).

Additional upper division elective credit options to consider:

  • Research
  • Co-op education
  • Internships
  • Workshops 
  • Projects

A maximum of 6 credits total from Bi 401 Research, Bi 404 Cooperative Education, Bi 405 Reading and Conference, Bi 406 Laboratory Project may be applied toward fulfillment of biology major credit requirements.

Total Credit Hours: 60