Campus Alert:
7:24 PM
May 1st, 2024

PSU ALERT: POLICE ACTIVITY at SOUTH PARK BLOCKS. Avoid the area. Updates will be sent via PSU Alert, when and if available.

Forbes-Lea Research Fund

The Forbes–Lea Endowed Fund honors the memory of two great professors of Biology at Portland State University: vertebrate biologist Dr. Richard B. Forbes, and cell physiologist Dr. Malcolm Lea. A fund was started in their honor in 1998 in order to support student research efforts. Interest from the endowed fund is now sufficient to accomplish that goal.

It is anticipated that for this year there will be no more than approximately 7–10 proposals funded, but the number of awards and level of funding depend on number and amounts of requests, as well as the return from the endowment, having historically run between $400 and $1,000 each. Include your FULL BUDGET and indicate how expenses not covered by a Forbes Lea award will be covered.

Funds awarded must be spent by April 30 of the following year barring exceptional circumstances. In case of limited funding being available, second–time awards and travel to conferences will receive lower priority. In keeping with the spirit of student inquiry encouraged by these great professors, the Forbes–Lea Research Fund will support a limited number of student projects that best fit the following criteria:

  • Are the hypotheses clearly enunciated within the framework of hypothesis testing?
  • Will the research plan as outlined lead to adequate testing of the hypotheses?
  • Is the science sound?
  • Is the problem to be addressed well researched and placed within a historical context?
  • Is the research innovative and significant?
  • Are the project goals clearly stated and realistic within the time frame proposed?

Proposal Instructions

Apply via this form.

Deadline: Applications due Feb. 28, 2023.

First Page: title, name of investigator, name of research sponsor, amount requested, and abstract of proposed research, including significance of proposed research.

Research Proposal: limit of three pages of text and figures, on standard 8.5 by 11 inch (21.6 by 27.9 cm) paper with no less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins all around, no smaller than 11 point font (no more than 15 characters per inch), and no less than single space (six lines of type per inch).

The proposed investigation must address the criteria outlined above and be sufficiently detailed so as to be evaluated by biological scientists potentially outside the area of expertise of the investigator.

In brief, the description should provide a clear statement of the work to be undertaken, objectives for the period of the proposed work, expected significance, relation to longer–term goals of the investigator’s project; and relation to the present state of knowledge in the field and to work in progress by the investigator and elsewhere. The description should outline the general plan of work, including the broad design of activities to be undertaken, and provide a clear description of methods and procedures, plans for anticipated data (results), samples, physical collections, and other potential products. A separate section on the broader impacts of
Literature cited: no limit on citations; literature cited is separately paginated and does not count against the three page limit of the research proposal.

Budget: Up to one page for budget, one additional page for justification (two pages maximum for budget and justification). INCLUDE YOUR FULL BUDGET even if it is more than $1,000. Please indicate how expenses above the Forbes Lea award will be covered. The most common items eligible for funding would be consumable supplies or expendable equipment, living expenses in the field or at a research station, and travel expenses. Please use estimates of actual expenses. The budget must clearly show the amounts and purposes of all expenditures.

Letter of Support: A letter of support from your graduate advisor is required. The form is available here.