Institute for Asian Studies


Welcome to the Institute for Asian Studies!

The PSU Institute for Asian Studies is an interdisciplinary, administrative unit connecting over 70 faculty and academic professionals, across more than 30 departmental units at Portland State University.

Housed within the Office of Global Engagement and Innovation (formerly Office of International Affairs), the Institute works in close affiliation with the Center for Japanese Studies at PSU.

By working in collaboration with departments and organizations across the campus, as well as in partnership with organizations and individuals in the community, the Institute promotes knowledge and understanding about Asia via the following scholarly activities:  curricular development, research, scholarship, international engagement, public programs, community outreach, and resource sharing.

Funding for the Institute's many programs comes from organizations and private individuals.

"We are Portland city's resource on Asia!”

Statement on Anti-Asian Racism and Violence

The Institute for Asian Studies (IAS) at Portland State University expresses deepest condolences to the victims of the recent shooting incident in Atlanta, Georgia. IAS is outraged and disturbed by this horrific attack as it is an ultimate example of racially loaded attacks on and discrimination against Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in the United States. It has been reported that since early 2020 when COVID-19 was recognized as a pandemic, Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders have been increasingly targetted for racial discrimination and exposed to harassment and physical attacks. The trend of increased incidents of discrimination, marginalization, and attacks toward AAPI populations reminds us of the history of injustice done to vulnerable and marginalized populations based on race and ethnicity in the US and beyond. IAS stands strong in its commitment to education and research on various aspects of Asia and hopes that our educational and scholarly engagement will lead to facilitate civilized and open-minded dialogue to address the racism and discrimination at the fundamental level.    

IAS reaffirms its mission to promote understanding about Asia and stands in solidarity with other organizations such as the Association for Asian Studies and the American Sociological Association as well as units and departments that serve the AAPI populations at PSU in order to help eradicate deep-rooted racial discrimination from our society.



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