A tragic loss for our community

Dear School of Music & Theater community,

We were heartbroken to learn today that the victim of yesterday’s fatal shooting was one of our music students, Amara Marluke. 

I want to extend our deepest condolences to Amara’s family and friends. She will be deeply missed by everyone in the School of Music & Theater who had the good fortune to get to know her.

Amara was a singer, music producer and activist who was a first-year student in our Sonic Arts & Music Production program. She was just starting out in her academic career at PSU, but her enormous artistic potential and musicality were evident to everyone she interacted with. Amara brought her passionate commitment to social justice to her art practice, using her music as a vehicle for her activism and the movement for Black Lives. She understood the power of music to heal, transform and inspire a hurting world, and she was building the foundation of a career that would allow her to achieve her dreams. We were proud to award her the first Goldomusic Sonic Arts and Music Production Scholarship this fall.

There is no way to make sense of a young life tragically ended by senseless gun violence. This is a time when we need to come together to honor her life, process our grief and support one other. 

Students impacted by this tragedy are encouraged to access counseling services at the Center for Student Health and Counseling (SHAC) and additional support and resources through our CARE program. Faculty and Staff can access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) as well as the Employee and Affinity Resource Groups. Links to resources and more information can be found here


Bonnie Miksch
School of Music & Theater


Watch President Percy's statement below:

President Percy speaks about tragic death of Amara Marluke

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