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Rae Sheridan | Inner/Work

Monday September 25th 2023 - Friday October 20th 2023 - All day
Colorful painted portrait of a woman in a bathing suit with bottle of sunscreen in one hand and a very large strawberry, raised to her mouth, in the other.
AB Gallery
PSU Art Building, 1st floor
2000 SW 5th Avenue
Portland OR 97201
Cost / Admission

Inner/Work is an artistic exploration of profound personal and societal narratives that challenge gender and social constructs around being a woman. This work is an intimate journey into the intricate layers of healing matrilineal trauma, deconstructing oppressive patriarchal structures, and embracing the transformative power of self-discovery.

Exhibition on view September 25-October 20, 2023
Reception: Thursday, October 5, 5-7pm

Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm

Sheridan’s work embarks on a quest to reimagine women, not as a monolithic entity but as a kaleidoscope of emotions, experiences, and identities. Neo-surrealist portraiture serves as the vessel chosen to manifest this vision, where each woman portrayed is a facet of the artist’s psyche—a reflection of their journey toward self-empowerment and self-acceptance.

Inner/Work is an invitation to confront the intergenerational wounds passed down through the maternal line, wounds often hidden beneath the surface but etching themselves onto our souls. It's an acknowledgment of the pain and strength embedded in our history and a testament to the resilience that defines our collective narrative. Through surreal and symbolic imagery, Sheridan creates a visual language that communicates the complexity of these experiences, allowing viewers to engage in a dialogue with their ancestral narratives and traumas.

This exhibition is not merely an artistic endeavor but a cathartic process—a transformative inner work that transcends the canvas. It asks viewers to question and challenge the patriarchal norms that have shaped our perceptions, inviting them to participate in deconstructing
oppressive systems. The portraits in Inner/Work reflect a diverse array of feminine archetypes, celebrating the multifaceted nature of women and the myriad ways in which they manifest their power, resilience, and identity.

Through this collection, Sheridan creates a sanctuary for reflection, healing, and dialogue—a space where viewers can embark on their journeys of self-discovery and healing. Inner/Work is a testament to the strength and beauty that emerges when we confront our internal traumas, challenge societal expectations, and embrace the rich tapestry of women in all their complexity.

Rae Sheridan, b. 1987 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, likes to explain that her career as an artist started with sandcastles. A self-described beach baby, the neon signs of the boardwalk, tropical colors, and East Coast sunsets have always influenced her work. However, it wasn’t until after leaving her sunny East Coast home for the grey skies of Portland, Oregon, in 2017 that Sheridan developed her signature painting style to recapture the vibrancy of her former home. Her work is a nod to the vaporwave aesthetic of the beach life Sheridan was surrounded by as a child. Her work focuses on feminist narrative and deconstructs the male gaze in portraits of feminine bodies.