Assembly 2024: An Art + Social Practice Gathering


Lloyd Center Mall, Rose City Book Pub, and The Community for Positive Aging

Cost / Admission



A co-authored multi-day gathering of participatory events, discussions, and presentations by the PSU Art and Social Practice MFA Program.

Join us Friday through Sunday to partake in a collection of experimental and experiential offerings from the 15 Art + Social Practice MFA program artists working in socially engaged forms.

Assembly is the Schnitzer School of Art + Art  History + Design's annual three-day gathering of participatory events, workshops, and presentations highlighting our MFA cohort's collaborative work and inspirations. There’s something for everyone at this year’s Assembly. 

Schedule of Events.

The word "assembly" with letters made of random objects and materials such as masking tape, an "s" hook, yarn, a typewriter key, ect.