Nia Musiba — BFA in Graphic Design

Nia Musiba

Growing up in Denver, Nia Musiba never considered herself an artist. As a kid, she spent time redesigning her own book covers in Microsoft Paint and then in high school, she interned at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver. It wasn’t until New Student Orientation at PSU that Nia made the decision to major in Graphic Design and she’s never regretted the decision.

Nia credits her professors with her success and for building a supportive community that makes Portland State Graphic Design a welcoming place for all. She knows some might question her choice to attend art school out of state, “Why are you in school if you can learn graphic design online? The faculty are connected and have a network. My world has expanded since coming to PSU.” She credits instructors like Walker Cahall, Lori Gilbert, and Takahiro Yamamoto for expanding her horizons and truly empowering her to finally claim her identity as an artist.

Nia recently appeared on an episode of Oregon Public Broadcasting's "Oregon Art Beat." The segment features Nia as one of five artists creating huge murals in Portland’s Eastside Industrial District, part of the Portland Street Art Alliance’s plan for a new world-class mural district. The piece appeared in Season 22, Episode 6, "The Big Story," which aired on February 11, 2021.

Nia has several mural projects under her belt, including one that graces the storefront of The ReBuilding Center on N. Mississippi and two on the PSU campus. She’s not sure what’s next because she could see herself being happy doing a lot of things in Portland: working at a design firm, learning to tattoo, or eventually owning her own studio to provide artist residencies for underrepresented youth and teens.

OPB Story featuring Nia