Mai Ide — MFA Contemporary Art Practice: Studio

Mai Ide

Mai started her educational journey at Portland Community College, only intending to earn her Associate's Degree—until she took a drawing class with local artist Patrick Kelly who suggested she consider a BFA at PSU. She had never thought she had that kind of ability, but that conversation gave her the courage to try. After looking at four other universities, she indeed picked PSU. She found everyone was so welcoming and felt they really took the time to listen and offer guidance.

As a mom who wasn’t sure she would be able to reach her goals, she offers this advice to new students: “I encourage people to speak up. There are so many organizations and resources to be able to help you outside of the classroom. Try to connect with as many people as possible at workshops or events.” And as a minority and immigrant who spoke little English when she started, she strongly recommends A+D to international, minority, and marginalized students.

Mai uses her art to advocate for the voiceless and to embrace and connect with people. In her interactive sculpture and other installations, she strives to include people regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, or social class, using alternative materials, mainly recycled, to encourage everyone to express art and contribute to the local community. “Art is everyday life, she said. “You don’t have to be getting an art degree; anyone can use art as a power to bring people together.”

Mixed media assemblage in green tones on an vibrant pink wall
Mai Ide. Green with Envy, 2021. Mixed media assemblage from salvaged materials, 54" x 24".