Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for November 1, 2021

Illustration of a piece of paper


  1. Jenny Ceciliano and Lisa Notman, world languages and literatures, published “Fulfilling a Wish List: Creating an OER Beginning Spanish Textbook and Curriculum” in the October issue of Second Language Research and Practice.
  2. Heejun Chang, geography faculty, and Rebecca Talbot, graduate student, authored a paper titled “Microplastics in Freshwater: A Global Review of Factors Affecting Spatial and Temporal Variations” published in Environmental Pollution.
  3. Kai Hang Cheang, women, gender, and sexuality studies faculty, published “Queering ‘The Children’s Movement’: A Sideways Look at Political Infantilization in the (Post-)2014 Global Imaginary of Hong Kong Protesters” in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies.
  4. Jill Emery, library, had her article “Heard on the Net: When Is a Library Not a Library?” published in The Charleston Advisor.
  5. Anahita Khodadadi, architecture faculty, authored a peer-reviewed textbook titled “Basic Concepts of Structural Design for Architecture Students,” funded and published by PSU’s Library. This textbook contributes to the Open Education Network.
  6. Joleen Kremin, accounting faculty, published “Coaching Quality and Subordinate Work Attitudes in the Multiple Supervisor Audit Context” in Accounting Horizons. 
  7. Amy Parker, special education faculty, and Martin Swobodzinski, geography faculty, Julie D. Wright, graduate student, Becky Morton, graduate student, and Kyrsten Hansen, graduate student, recently had a study, “Seamless Wayfinding by a Deafblind Adult on an Urban College Campus: A Case Study on Wayfinding Performance, Information Preferences, and Technology Requirements,” published in Frontiers in Education. 
  8. Jack Straton, physics and university studies faculty, had one of his photographs chosen to be part of Perspective from May 21 through June 11 at the Kansas City Stockyards Gallery.