Research Week: From Research to Action - A Conversation/Strategy Session to Address Climate Change and its Impacts


Location TBD

Cost / Admission

Free and open to the public, registration appreciated


Nandini Ranganathan,

Join CETI for an exciting conversation about interdisciplinary creation and innovation with art, data, and technology to educate, and inspire action to address climate change in imaginative, transformative, and  just ways. The session will be part strategy/ideation and part opportunity to share projects (ours and yours) around interdisciplinary cross-sector collaborative creation, community science, and innovation to inspire action.

We’ll discuss and generate potential collaborative projects engaging communities in data-driven research, experimentation with emerging tech, potential tool creation, and imaginative impactful storytelling to foster understanding and spur action. Please bring ideas—ones that exist and ones you’d love to see happen; and invite others who might want to join.

We’ll share more about our NEA-sponsored project with Multnomah County’s Office of Sustainability, Postcards from Our Climate Resilient Future, and share opportunities to help design and participate in our community science datawalks.

If you are able, please RSVP here so we can plan accordingly (refreshments for example).  And please also bring or share ideas, other projects to inspire, data sets, or an example of your work.  We’ll be building a slide show to compile these resources.

Abstract painting image with lines reaching up, in the colors of green, gray, and rush