Student reading legal briefs at a computer

Undergraduate Program Criminal Law & Justice Certificate

Degree Details

  • Certificate
    Total Credits
    Start Term
    Delivery Method
    On campus

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Criminal Law & Justice Certificate Overview

The Criminal Law and Justice Undergraduate Certificate is for students eager to explore the complexities of criminal law. This certificate is worthwhile for students who are interested in gaining job skills related to the law and legal system, students interested in going to law school, and any student who would like to learn more about how laws impact their community.

Students will delve into the principle of “equal justice under the law,” examining its relevance in criminal law-making and enforcement. Specifically, students will gain a deeper understanding of the interaction of the criminal justice system (i.e., law enforcement and prosecution) with the courts. Students will also consider how laws shape their communities, and how it disproportionately impacts certain groups over time. 

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Criminal Law & Justice Certificate: Why PSU?

Pursuing the Criminal Law and Justice Undergraduate Certificate at PSU will allow students to specialize in a law-related focus, while learning from nationally recognized faculty. Instructors are experts in their field; their teaching and research often centers around laws and policies within the country, state, and local community. In the United States, 95% of all criminal cases are resolved in state courts – state laws matter and impact all of us! Courses within this certificate will introduce students to the broader structure and functioning of the United States legal system, but with a special emphasis on Oregon’s laws and policies. This is important for students who are interested in going to law school and practicing in the state, and for students interested in jobs in Oregon. PSU’s location in Portland, Oregon, offers students unique opportunities to learn and network within a dynamic urban setting with a rich history of criminal justice reform and practice.

Students will benefit from a blend of classes, gaining a comprehensive understanding of criminology, court systems, and criminal law while being able to specialize in areas such as human behavior, race and crime, and crime control strategies. The program offers flexibility, allowing students to choose electives that align with their specific interests and career aspirations (e.g., law and behavior, social justice). Students can complete the certificate in either our campus or fully online pathways.

What can I do with a certificate in Criminal Law & Justice?

An undergraduate certificate in Criminal Law & Justice from Portland State University gives students the skills and knowledge needed for a variety of jobs. Graduates can pursue jobs such as legal assistants or paralegals, court personnel, victim advocates, and research and policy analysts, as well as further their education through law school. Students will gain skills such as how to conduct legal research, read a case, and structure court arguments that will make them more successful in law school, and better prepared for jobs within the criminal justice and legal fields.