ChatGPT & Assessment: Practical Examples for Rethinking and Restructuring Assessment


Remote on Zoom

Cost / Admission


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Please join the Office of Academic Innovation for a faculty-sharing session focused on ChatGPT and how we may want to reconsider the structure of course assessment. This session will provide practical examples from instructors who have made specific changes to student work. If you have an example to share, we welcome your collaboration.

You can expect to leave this event with knowledge of how ChatGPT may threaten academic integrity, but how it may be useful as a valuable instructional tool as well. We will explore strategies for conducting academic assessments in a manner that protects students from reliance on ChatGPT.

This event is remote and will take place on Zoom. Our events seek to be inclusive and all are welcome. Please reach out to us at with any accommodation details or event questions.


About the Facilitator

Andrew Lawrence, Instructional Designer, Office of Academic Innovation

Andrew is passionate about making online education better in his community by directly supporting instructors in online environments. He received his M.A. in Educational Leadership and Policy from Portland State University with a focus in Online Education. He has a deep interest in the learning outcomes of students in online learning environments. He also has a deep interest in watermelon, pockets, coffee, and hiking to the hot springs. His current research explores how constructivist assumptions about technology influence pedagogical innovation in LMS platforms. 

A robot hand and a human hand are reaching out to touch fingers.