Academic Requirements Committee Petitions

The Academic Requirements Committee (ARC) reviews all requests for exceptions to academic regulations such as graduation requirements and credit loads for all undergraduate degree programs. The Academic Requirements Committee is not authorized to make changes to the requirements of your academic major.

The committee will base their decision on three criteria:

  • Your personal statement (see information below).
  • The required statement from the designated FRINQ, SINQ, Capstone or Cluster coordinator, or advisor/department head (other statements or documentation that may help explain your case are encouraged).
  • Your permanent university records, including all past petitions.

Before Completing the ARC Petition

  • Please meet with your academic advisor to verify that your petition is both appropriate and necessary prior to submitting an ARC petition. In some cases, your request may be allowed by making other adjustments outside of the petition process.
  • A copy of your DARS report is a required document for all petitions. To attach your DARS report, you will need to save the report as an acceptable file type (pdf, jpeg, tif, png, or other image file) before attaching it to your petition.
  • Please be sure that you have prepared all of the necessary statements and documentation for your ARC petition prior to starting the online petition form. Partially completed forms cannot be saved and accessed at a later time. You must complete and submit the form at one time.

Personal Statement

In the Justification of Request section of the petition, you must explain the circumstances that have led to your request. This explanation is very important and should be as detailed and complete as possible.

Required Statement for University Studies Petitions

All petitions for FRINQ, SINQ, Cluster or Capstone requirements will be routed to the appropriate University Studies designee.  The committee will not consider a petition that does not include a statement from University Studies.  Please contact University Studies regarding the required statement prior to submitting your petition.

Petition for a Non-U Course to Satisfy a Cluster Requirement

If you are requesting to apply a course to your upper division cluster that is not already approved in another Cluster, you must submit an essay with your petition.  This required essay should outline how the course meets the four University Studies goals described on the University Studies website.

Required Statement for Other Requests

Requests for exceptions to academic regulations other than University Studies (such as undergraduate graduation requirements and credit loads) will be routed to an academic adviser in your academic major. Make sure you have discussed your petition with your academic advisor prior to submitting the petition. 

Accessing, Completing, and Submitting the Petition

Follow the link below to access the online Academic Requirements Committee petition. The petition will open in a secure online platform called OnBase. If you are not already logged in to OnBase (which is automatic on some campus computers), you will be presented with log in screen, which will look like this. Enter your ODIN account Username and Password to log in.

  • Please be sure that you have prepared all of the necessary statements and documentation for your ARC petition prior to starting the online petition form. Partially completed forms cannot be saved and accessed at a later time. You must complete and submit the form at one time.
  • A copy of your DARS report is a required document for all petitions, upload a saved version of your current report (pdf, jpeg, tif, png, or other image file).
  • Once your petition is complete, click "submit" at the bottom of the petition form.

Academic Requirements Committee Petition

Notification of Decision

You will be notified of the committee's decision via e-mail. Be advised that submitting a petition does not automatically result in the granting of the request.