
We know that part of your retirement will include questions about Medicare protections. This page is intended to help direct you to the resources that will help answer those questions.

The first place you should look is the Medicare website. The online Medicare & You section of the website contains a large amount of information and answers to questions you may have.

The following links are intended to help you understand the costs of Medicare:

When do I sign up for Medicare?

Enrollment in Medicare depends on a few factors. The first is if you're a current, active employee or if instead you are beginning to enter retirement.

Active Employees:

  • I'm under 65 - PSU doesn't require that you sign up for Medicare. You can sign up later during a Special Enrollment Period without a Late Enrollment Penalty.
  • I'm over 65 - You don't need to do anything until you (or your spouse) retire or you lose the coverage if both of these apply
