Time to Act - Plan & Scorecard Launch

Equity Plan and Scorecard Launch

During the Time to Act Fall 2020 Equity Summit, more than 500 members of the PSU community created a vision for a just and equitable campus. Five cross-campus task forces made sense of the summit outputs and also grounded their work in the prior plans and recommendations. The task forces were organized according to a five dimension framework and charged to think short-term/high-impact, and make up to three recommendations -- which were presented at the Time to Act Winter 2021 Symposium.

The Plan for Equity & Racial Justice, along with the accompanying Scorecard, is the result of these campus dialogues, and represents the voice of so many of you.

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Event Agenda

Check out the Event Agenda -- where you will find a complete schedule of the day's activities, as well as any additional information or supplementary materials.

Time to Act Fall 2021

Watch the Event Recording

We are pleased to offer a recording of the Scorecard and Plan launch for those who weren't able to join us on the day of the event.

Acting on Equity and Racial Justice

It is time for Portland State to accelerate its effort to combat racism and advance social justice across our campus with dogged determination and long-term commitment. Visit the Equity and Racial Justice Strategic Priorities webpage to learn more.

Interested in getting your boots on the ground to help with these initiatives? Sign up to join the Racial Justice Implementation Team and pave the way for meaningful change!

Portland State University will be a place where all students have the opportunity to succeed and where students and employees feel safe, feel a sense of belonging, and prosper — no matter their background.

- President Stephen Percy