Initiative for Community and Disaster Resilience (ICDR)

The Initiative for Community and Disaster Resilience (ICDR) is an interdisciplinary initiative whose focus is on research, educational outreach and community enlightenment. ICDR, created with the collaboration of the Center for Public Service and the Economics Department, aims to serve as an intellectual hub for students, scholars and practitioners to work on issues related to emergency management and preparedness and community resilience from natural disasters.

While many academic and policy research centers for emergency management exist in the U.S., they primarily focus on the ‘hard science’ aspect of natural disasters. In contrast, the ICDR is designed to approach natural disaster-related issues from “soft” social science and policy perspectives.

To do this, the ICDR will: 

  • Enhance disaster awareness through the exchange of knowledge between experts and public, private and public sectors, and local and international experts,
  • Host researchers, practitioners, and public service professionals as visitors to share their expertise and experiences, 
  • Empower local communities by providing policy and economic analysis, and 
  • Help them better-prepare for possible natural disasters and community development.

ICDR Speaker Series

One of ICDR's prominent activities is the ICDR Speaker Series. Events are For more information about these events, please see our Speaker Series webpage.

ICDR Spring Course: International Field Experience

Another one of the initiatives' events is the ICDR International Field Experience spring course. For more information about the course, please see our course webpage. 

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