Graduate Program Assessment Outcomes

Department of Communication, June 2020

Program Assessment Goal #1: Foster advanced knowledge:

Graduate students will gain advanced knowledge (relative to undergraduate knowledge) in the principles, theories, models, and perspectives of Communication as a social-science discipline and how they relate to practical domains (e.g., media, health, politics, interpersonal relationships, environment, etc.).

  • E.g., Learning different theories, models, perspectives
  • E.g., Learning how to write for social science

Program Assessment Goal #2: Foster advanced methods:

Graduate students will gain advanced knowledge (relative to undergraduate knowledge) in, and be able to ethically utilize, qualitative and quantitative methods of social-science-oriented Communication inquiry consistent with the highest standards of the discipline relative to their academic level (e.g., MS).

  • E.g., Quant and Qual. required methods courses
  • E.g., Other methods courses, such as content analysis, CA, etc.

Program Assessment Goal #3: Foster an ability to evaluate and conduct research appropriate for a 2-Year Masters Degree:

Graduate students will be able to critically evaluate and ethically conduct social-science research according to the standards of Communication as a discipline.

  • E.g., Actually conducting a study, or proposing one if that proposal includes an analysis plan
  • E.g., Critiquing research

Program Assessment Goal #4: Foster professionalism:

Graduate students will understand the professional structure of Communication as a social-science discipline, including job/career types and trajectories, how to best position themselves for careers (both academic and corporate), and standards of conduct.

  • E.g., colloquium and course assignments and presentations that solve/address professional/applied problems