Master of Taxation


Data from 2023-2024
Average Work Experience67 months
Average Undergraduate GPA3.42
International Students0%
Average Age35
Age Range23-48
Legal Sex Male*25%
Legal Sex Female*75%


Maryam Zonaira

Maryam Zonaira, '21

Maryam was intrigued by how U.S. and Indian tax systems differ. Her curiosity led her pursue PSU’s MT program. "As an international student, I needed a push to get out of my comfort zone, and PSU always made me feel included. Now, I am more confident in communicating and networking."



Amy Morales, '19

Amy was looking for a career that fit her dreams and values. With PSU’s MT program, she launched into a role with the Portland office of an international Big-4 accounting firm. “It’s a perfect fit, and that feels good."


Philip Patrick headshot

Philip Patrick, '18

After serving as a sergeant in the U.S. Army for six years, Phil was ready for his next big challenge: PSU’s MT program. “The program requires conceptualization as well as practicing technical skill, and it was a perfect fit for what I needed."


Learn More About the Master of Taxation

*Legal sex data is collected during the admissions process as per HECC standards. At this time, in order to protect and respect the identities of our students, gender identity data are not currently collected by PSU in a way that allows for aggregate reporting.