Why conduct research? 

Research allows you to acquire valuable technical skills and to interact more closely with faculty and graduate students engaged in cutting edge research. Through research, you gain an understanding of what field of study you are most interested and how the scientific process truly works.

Choosing a faculty advisor 

Read about faculty on their websites, speak to them after a class, or read a paper they have published. Also, talk to other undergraduate and graduate students in the department about what research is being conducting by the research groups. However, working in any research lab will increase your skill set and knowledge of the scientific process, so keep an open mind and willingness to learn.

Getting lab experience early

Some labs take volunteers early in their college careers. Generally, students who start out in a lab early will gain in the skills and in the responsibilities of the work they are conducting in the lab. Thus, starting early may allow students time to become valuable members of a lab. Other labs prefer students to be further in their careers and have gained lab skills via lab classes.

Available funding

PSU offers funding opportunities for undergraduate researchers and there are outside funding opportunities as well. Learning to write research proposals is a valuable skill. Your faculty advisor can help you pursue independent funding if you both decide you have a good research idea that your adviser can oversee.

Student at acidic hot spring in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Get Research Experience

Leah Tuor can help connect you with research experiences and internships. In an email, briefly describe your research interests, career plans and what you hope to get out of your research experience.

  • Undergrad Research Training & Support
  • Off-Campus Opportunities

    Join Biology Opportunities Mailing List

    The PSU Biology Department maintains a mailing list, Biology Opportunities. This list serves biology students and people interested in biology opportunities. We post regional opportunities (Oregon and PNW) as well as paid and volunteer opportunities from around the world. The jobs posted here cover a wide range of organisms (microbes, plants, and animals) and conceptual areas (ecology, evolution, genetics, cell and molecular biology).

    Regional Internship Opportunities

    National Internship Opportunities