Changes to Microsoft Office Licensing for Personal Devices

computer with gears surrounding it and a wrench floating above

Changes to Microsoft Office Licensing for Personal Devices 

Due to changes in Microsoft’s software licensing model for Microsoft Office, OIT needs to modify how licenses are assigned for work-related use of Microsoft Office on personal machines. These changes will allow PSU to avoid significant cost increases for Microsoft Office software licensing.

Starting on July 1, 2024, OIT will continue to automatically make licenses available for work-related use of Microsoft Office on personal devices to all full-time employees, and Microsoft Office will continue to be available on all OIT managed computers. Other employees will need to request a license via the OAM Access Requests (OAR) system. This change includes the following groups:

  • Adjunct Faculty
  • Part-Time and Temporary Contract Employees
  • Sponsored Staff/Affiliates

There is no additional cost to employees who request a Microsoft Office license for work related use on a personal machine.

To minimize disruption, employees in the above groups who have already downloaded Microsoft Office for work-related use on a personal device will retain their licenses for as long as they are actively employed and do not need to submit OAR requests.

These changes will contain cost increases while providing a means for those needing a Microsoft Office license to obtain one.

For further information about obtaining Microsoft Office, refer to Microsoft Office at PSU.